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Product Metabolic Assessment Report

Many factors can affect metabolic health and function.

Some factors, we can control.  Some, we can’t.  

Let's find you some clarity on the question, "Where do I begin to get a body that's fun to live in again??"

Use this interactive web assessment to get sense of your:

  • overall metabolic health;
  • elements or risk factors you might have for impaired metabolic function;
  • steps you are already taking for a healthy metabolism; and
  • what steps could be taken to potentially improve your metabolic health further.

This will help you identify what elements of metabolic health might be outside your control, and which lifestyle factors can help you improve your metabolic health the most.

This assessment has been broken down into the following domains:

  • Biological measurements
  • Prior health history
  • Nutrition skills
  • Sleep skills
  • Stress skills
  • Movement skills

Based on your overall metabolic health score and your scores in the four skills domains, we can immediately narrow in on the areas that are most helpful and most appropriate for your particular needs to improve your metabolic health.



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27.00 USD