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Product [SELF STUDY] - Courage, Risks and Rewards Mini Course

In this self-study coaching program, you will explore 5 key areas that will help you find the courage to take new risks and reap great rewards.

Some people are not quite sure they are ready, but still curious about how a coaching program with Jessica works. This on-line course can be done at your own pace, and will help you get ready to confidently approach and get the most out of a future one-on-one coaching program. 

You will examine the concept of risk and break it down into specific, manageable steps. And you will look at risk from different perspectives and explore how the rewards for taking chances far outweigh the costs.

The course is delivered in 5 parts, and is accessed through your private client web portal on the Momentum Transformations site.  Coach Jessica will be able to see and comment back and forth with you on your answers to the various exercises and questions!

This training certainly will open new doors to exciting opportunities!

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97.00 USD