Accountability to Unlock Results


I came across a pretty cool study I wanted to share with you because it’s really important this time of year.


The study was published in the Journal of Health Communication.  In it, researchers tracked 704 people in an online weight-loss program.


A little over half (54%) chose to work with an accountability buddy.  And guess what?


→ They lost more weight & inches from their belly than those who followed the same program without a buddy!


The more messages they got from their partners (both accepting & challenging!), the better their results.


Bottom Line:  Accountability is SO IMPORTANT.


It gives you that little extra bit of motivation to keep working.


It’s also why I make daily accountability (yup, I love to hear from my clients multiple times per day) a key part of my VIP 1:1 nutrition coaching program through my software app and twice-monthly in-person meetings. 


I’m telling you this right now because we are heading into a very hectic time of the year — which makes accountability even MORE important.


I'm here to help you stay on track with accountability, support, and so much more.


Want to see if I can help you fast-track your January 1st?  Let's start the conversation HERE


Committed to your Success,