How to Stop Snacking on Junk

Let’s talk about cravings for junk food – and what you can do to beat them.
You know what I’m talking about … you’re sitting at your desk at 2 p.m. and suddenly ALL you can think about are chocolate chip cookies.
Or you’re watching TV at night and feel the ice cream or chips in the kitchen calling your name.
These cravings are super common — and they can be caused by a lot of things.
- You could be hungry
- You might be stressed, lonely, or bored
- You’ve developed a habit of snacking around a certain time or activity
- Your hunger hormones might be out of whack from a bad night of sleep, or because it’s that time of the month
- You might have a nutrient deficiency
Eating a special treat every once in a while is fine — and even encouraged! For example, I eat birthday cake once per year... on MY BIRTHDAY. That's a rule I made for myself.
But indulging in treats on a regular basis, can get in the way of your results (not to mention your health).
I’ve got a 4-point list to help you slay those junk food cravings and take back control!
Plan ahead |
Have healthier options on hand: hard-boiled eggs, cut-up veggies, cold cuts, high-fiber berries, etc. But these are NOT SNACKS ... they are meant to add onto your existing meals if you're still hungry so that you are able to make it 4-6 hours until your next meal. |
Hide food offenders |
If you have foods in the house that bring on cravings, keep them out of sight! Ask your other family members to hide those items that make you want to go hunting and gathering in the pantry at 3am |
Eat it |
Allow yourself to include your favorites once in a while in your regularly scheduled meal AFTER you've eaten your protein, green veggies, all cooked in a good fat first. This way, these items don’t become “forbidden foods” that make you crave them even more. |
Try mindful eating |
When you do indulge, make eating that food your only activity. Turn off the TV, get off your phone, and savor every bite, noticing its taste, texture, temperature, etc. Eating slowly and mindfully can help you feel more satisfied with a smaller portion.
Plus it can help you decide whether you’re eating because you’re actually hungry… or because of something else (entertainment, to relax, bored, unwelcome thoughts, etc.).
Habits can be changed — they just take time! And it really does help to have an experienced coach to guide and encourage you.
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Make it an amazing day,