Why Do "Bad" Foods Taste So Good?

Have you ever noticed that foods that aren't exactly “good” for you seem to taste amazing?
WARNING: Be prepared for some strong statements from me on this subject.
It’s kind of like Mother Nature is playing a practical joke … but there are a few more sinister reasons this happens.
Many “crave-worthy” foods are loaded with sugar, salt, fat, and empty calories. They are most often found in crinkly wrappers. Avoid, avoid, avoid!!
Our brains are hardwired to crave tasty, high-energy (aka high-calorie) foods because they help us survive when food is scarce. (Except for most of us, food isn’t scarce anymore — so we have to be careful not to overeat like grizzly bears trying to pack on pounds for a hypothetical Winter that never actually arrives.)
Manufacturers spend a LOT of time and money making these edible food-like substances in crinkly wrappers as delicious as possible – and also on ads to entice us with endless health claims ... all endorsed by the usual list of industry-promotion suspects. It's no surprise that some of these Franken-foods are hard to resist!
So if you find yourself craving these foods, that’s by design! It's on purpose, and it's used against you to line the pockets of very powerful interests. AND ... I'm really not joking when I refer to this "Diabetes Industrial Complex" as being a strong and negative influence in our current diet/lifestyle environment.
I’m sharing this with you because I believe knowledge is power — and keeping this in mind helps me keep my own food choices in check!
According to the National Academy of Sciences, people eat too many calories, trans fats, polyunsaturated fats, and added sugars/starches; too much sodium relative to potassium and magnesium; and not enough vitamin D, or fiber.
Here’s the kicker: the top causes of death (heart disease, diabetes, some types of cancer, Alzheimers, etc.) are strongly associated with our food choices!
Now, I am all for moderation (80%-90% healthy foods, 10%-20% “extras”) … but I also know that walking that tightrope can be a real challenge sometimes! Especially when manufacturers and food scientists have stacked the deck against us.
That’s just one reason I created my VIP 1:1 and Group Nutrition Coaching packages:
I use a combination of customized software and in-person coaching to help my clients practice small diet and lifestyle habits consistently, and over time to achieve a body that's FUN to live in again.
Have you tried all the magic pills, powders, potions, and crinkly-wrapper junk ... (maybe even surgery and injections) only to discover that the only thing that got slimmer in the long run was your bank account?
NOTE: This way of working with me is NOT the right fit for those interested in monthly subscriptions to pre-packaged foods, shakes, pills, calorie counting, or punishing workouts.
My client-centered, personalized coaching IS for those who are committed to learning a health-first, sustainable approach to releasing excess body fat using nutrient-dense whole foods AND who are willing to put in the effort and inner-work required to build their own Owner's Manual and become the PhD of themselves.
It’s time stop chasing magic rainbows and get serious about achieving a body that’s FUN to live in again.
Get daily accountability with an experienced, supportive, and caring nutrition coach who, over 20 years ago, reversed her own T2 diabetes, PCOS, and put 65 pounds forever in the rear view mirror!
Committed to your success,