Don't Wait for the Perfect Time to Get Started. Hint: There Isn't One!

Here’s a trap almost everyone has fallen into at one point or another…
Have you ever heard yourself say these things (maybe only to yourself):
“Once [insert anything you are waiting/hoping for] happens, I’ll start focusing more on my health and wellness”?
It could be when …
- the weekend is over
- your schedule eases up
- the seasons change
- your kids reach a certain age
- Mars is no longer in retrograde
- and on and on and on!
Author Bill Phillips once said…
“If you wait until everything in your life is perfect before you begin something challenging and new, you’ll be waiting forever. The best time is now.”
In other words, stop waiting!
If you keep waiting for the planets to align to get started — because you think it will be easier or somehow “better” — you are robbing yourself of how good you could feel RIGHT NOW!
Remember: It’s not about being perfect. It’s about taking small, imperfect steps (consistently, and over time) in the direction of your goal.
What step can you take today?
Even if it’s something that takes just 2-5 minutes.
Tell yourself it’s “go” time … and go get it done!
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I know you can do it.
Make it an amazing day,
P.S. - If you need a little extra support on getting a body that's FUN to live in again, choose a convenient day/time for a DISCOVERY SESSION and let's start the conversation.