The Most Important “HACK” for Big Health & Fitness Results


I’ve got some great info for you today that I wanted to share ASAP because it can make a huge difference in your results.


Every few days, someone will ask me what I think about some trendy fitness or wellness topic … things like fasting, supplements, a new fitness gadget …


Basically, something (anything!) that’s designed to speed up their results.  


I have to be brutally honest here ... these pills, powders, magic potions, plastic-wrapped meals-in-the-mail, body wraps, techno-gadgets, starvation protocols, etc. are created to SOLELY take advantage of people who are desperate for results ... and the only thing that is guaranteed to get any slimmer is their bank account.

This is not ok with me ... and it shouldn't be ok with you ... we are worth better than allowing ourselves to be treated like that.


So, over the next few weeks, I’m going to focus on how to REALLY supercharge results and break down the specific actions that I advise my clients to take to elevate their results to the next level, fast ... NO MAGIC.


Because YES:  it IS possible to make small changes that yield BIG results when done consistently and over time ... SPOILER ALERT:  the Grand Canyon wasn't created overnight, right?


In this email, I’ve got the #1 TIP to rocket my clients toward their goals.


This is the absolute most important thing everyone should do before  getting fancy with any trendy “hacks.”




What kind of basics?  Here they are in the 5 areas of focus that each of my clients works with me in:


FOOD: Make sure to eat a whole-food-based, nutrient-dense diet ... ideally one that is mostly cooked at home.
SLEEP: 7-9 hours a night.  The most restorative sleep happens between 10pm-2am ... get as much of that as possible
MOVEMENT: Get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week.
STRESS: Surround yourself with social support and positivity.
CHANGE MANAGEMENT: Get a deep understanding of your Big Reason Why you are wanting to make changes in your life. 


To me, these are non-negotiables because together, the basics will make the BIGGEST IMPACT on energy, vitality, and stamina …


… not to mention any fitness or body-related goals my clients have.


My assignment for you (it’s something my clients and I are doing right along with you):  is to DOUBLE DOWN on the BASICS.  Then, we can start getting fancy with “biohacks” to give you that little “extra.”  


ANOTHER SPOILER ALERT:  To a person, my clients found out that when they had their basics really dialed in, they did not need or want to chase those biohacking rainbows ... they were able see through the marketing puffery and ploys to empty their wallets down the drain of false, quick-fix promises.


My clients get the accountability, the lessons and research, the daily support, and a science-based program that is customized to their specific life context.


Are you with me?


Let me know over in the Facebook group


Make it a great day,




PS:  At Momentum Transformations, I help my clients reach and exceed their goals with strategic lifestyle protocols in the areas of Food, Movement, Sleep, Stress, and Change Management that gets them a body that's FUN to live in again in the most comfortable way possible.

Book a FREE Discovery Session to learn more about how you can get support and accountability with doubling down on your basics to achieve that amazing personal transformation just like my current clients are doing now.