How Many Calories Do You Burn Every Day?

What if I told you there’s ONE number you need to pay attention to BEFORE you start counting calories, macros, or anything else?
For many of us, this number is a complete mystery. But once you figure it out, it’s a complete game-changer.
Ready for it?
It’s your estimated TDEE – aka your Total Daily Energy Expenditure.
In everyday language, it’s how many calories you burn every day.
No matter what your goals are, knowing this number can help you fine-tune your nutrition — and be more intentional with your choices.
- Looking to lose body fat? You now have a concrete number to work with to create a deficit.
- Looking to maintain your weight? Knowing your TDEE can help you keep your perfect balance.
- Looking to gain some weight (in the form of muscle)? When you know your numbers, you can do it the healthy “clean” way.
I’ve got a calculator you can use to figure out yours right now.
Here’s the link:
A little tip for using the calculator: A lot of us overestimate our activity level. Read the choices carefully and think about how active you are on most days of the week. :)
It can be a real eye-opener!
Hope this helps you take a step closer to your goals.
What does that look like to you?
Comments from my clients ... (in no particular order):
* hearing my doctor say "Whatever you're doing, keep it up!"
* easily shop for and wear cute outfits
* being offered better rates on life and health insurance policies
* reduced my grocery / pharmacy budget
* fewer sick days at work ... I got a promotion this year!
* better sleep
* easily manage stress
* playing outdoors with friends - instead of spending hours inside a stinky gym
* confidently meal-prep highly nutritious and tasty food
* happily drive past "fast-food alley" with no cravings
* travel to places that have lots of hills and cobblestone streets :-)
* understand how to make restaurant menus accommodate my health and wellness needs
* wedding rings fit again - no more swollen fingers
* navigate the cruise ship buffet like a champion
* tie my shoes without getting out of breath
* easily get up and down from playing on the floor with the grandkids
* plenty of energy to get through the day
* no more brain fog / cravings
* increased self-confidence and knowledge of what works for MY SPECIFIC CONTEXT
Notice that I never mentioned being judged on stage in a bikini ….

The inside ring of green arrows shows the process we will follow to achieve that body that's fun to live in again.
The outside ring of arrows shows the different areas of life that can either enhance or hinder the progress you make with the green arrows.
Together, we will create personalized, sustainable updates to your diet and lifestyle habits that support your health and wellness goals for a lifetime!
Let's get the conversation started today with a DISCOVERY SESSION with Coach Jessica Walker, the ketopaddlegirl.
I’d love the opportunity to learn more about YOU and to see if we’d be a good fit to work together!