The hurdles standing in your way ...

You know I am all about POSITIVE ACTION, right?


Basically, focusing on the actions that will move my clients toward whatever it is that they want from their health and wellness efforts.


Well, today I am going to get a little <gasp!> NEGATIVE. 


It’s time for my current and soon-to-be clients to take inventory of the things that are getting in their way – the hurdles between what's happening for them now and their vision of future success.


These hurdles drain their energy … resources … confidence … and make the journey from where they are NOW to where they want to BE longer and more challenging.


Here’s what I’m talking about:


Let’s imagine a successful woman you know who has neglected her own health and wellness for YEARS by prioritizing career, spouse, children, (and now elderly parents!!).  Because you've been receiving my newsletters, you know that through my coaching, self-study courses, & software, she can achieve a body that’s FUN to live in again!  Let's also imagine that this woman's version of a body that's fun to live in again is finally getting off that blood sugar rollercoaster and having the energy / desire to get back to going outside to play with her friends.

Close your eyes for a few moments and really visualize this.


What are some behaviors you can think of that this woman is doing NOW that are getting in the way of her dreams of stable blood sugars and having fun outdoors with friends?


If she's serious about reaching success, it is time to start dealing with those behaviors and obstacles ... TODAY.


At MOMENTUM TRANSFORMATIONS, I definitely do NOT recommend cutting out every obstacle and zooming from behavior "A" to behavior "Z" without hitting most of the alphabet in between first.


But it’s important to acknowledge those obstacles and unhelpful behaviors – because acknowledging them takes their power away.


By targeting those obstacles one by one, through small daily habit practices (helpful behaviors) which build sustainable health and wellness skills, my clients have a much better chance of long-term success.


Before they know it … those OBSTACLES will become OPPORTUNITIES.

For example: 

Imagine your friend having a New Year's goal that includes eating healthier, but she also has a pretty solid mid-afternoon cookie habit.  Hmmm...

Wisely, your friend decided to hire me to help her achieve her goal by practicing small, achievable daily habits that she's excited to do consistently and over time:  

  • what if she swapped out the cookie for some fruit?  Sure, that's a bit better, BUT it turns out that it wasn't quite enough of a habit change to get her off her blood sugar roller coaster
  • SO ... with my coaching, the next iteration of that small habit improvement is to swap that fruit for slices of ham and cheese rolled up in a lettuce leaf?
  • AND ... with my continued support, the next iteration of that ham/cheese/lettuce improvement is that she's now so great at using her own body fat for fuel that she no longer even feels the need to snack between meals at all!


How to move forward past the elephant in the room:


FOLKS COULD DO THIS:  Write down ALL of the obstacles standing between what's happening with them NOW and that 2022 vision of success.  This list can even include mindset obstacles like thinking a goal is “too big” or the feeling of "unworthiness”.  They can even download my 2022 Goal-Getting & Habit Stacking Action Plan (GET MY COPY HERE).


THEN:  Identify which obstacles are the BIGGEST hurdles between now and that future goal – and also which obstacles and behaviors are the EASIEST to tear down.


TAKE ACTION ... FOR THOSE WHO ARE BRAVE ENOUGH TO GO IT ALONE:  I recommend targeting these obstacles and behaviors ONE AT A TIME … alternating an EASY hurdle with a BIG one!  Try something like the cookie -> fruit/nut -> ham/cheese/lettuce -> no snacks needed example above.


OH MY GOODNESS!  That certainly sounds like quite a lot to do without encouragement, resources, support ... accountability, right??  Luckily, I've got just the thing!


If you’re ready to ramp up YOUR success and eliminate your obstacles, my GOAL SETTING WORKSHOP happening on Sunday January 9th on Zoom at 7pm Eastern can help.

Learn more about it HERE.


Make it an amazing day,