Fail-Proof Success Formula


We all have that one thing (maybe more!) we are great at.


  • Hitting a powerful tennis kick serve
  • Keeping our checking/savings accounts balanced
  • Home DIY projects or organization
  • Cooking a big meal


It’s true, people might have some natural talent for those things.  But the reason they got “great” at them wasn’t because of the talent.


It was because they gave them their attention and energy.


They also probably had some guidance (whether they know it or not!).


It could have been learning from a high school coach, watching a video on YouTube, taking a class online, learning from grandma, and the list goes on.


Another key to becoming “great”?




Maybe it was a practice schedule, a budget, a worksheet, or a recipe.  Even if was in their head … people who get great at things probably had some kind of structure to follow.


And of course, last but not least …. they took ACTION.


Well, that same formula works for success at practically everything.


Attention + Support + Proven Plan + Action = RESULTS


This even includes health and fitness goals!


When people give their healthy habits/goals/health/fitness attention, have support, and follow a proven plan … results will follow.


The trick is to just hang in there until they start to reap the benefits – which doesn’t take as long as they might think.


Take a quick inventory of your own goals right now.


If you’re not on track… which part of the formula is missing?


If you need some guidance, I can help. This is what I do.  It's what I love.


At MOMENTUM TRANSFORMATIONS, I help my clients achieve a body that's FUN to live in again.  

They aren't looking to be on stage in a bikini contest.  

They are people who have spent years giving first to careers, spouses, kids ... and now are becoming the primary care givers of their own parents!  

They want to be able to play on the living room floor with the grandkids, to live independently for as long as possible in their own homes, to embrace all the joys that an active and health-filled life has to offer.

To start the conversation, click HERE and book a convenient day/time for your very own Discovery Session with me!  


Committed to your success,