Protein Frozen Fluff


This month we are talking about resilience… mental toughness… and taking personal responsibility!


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The foods you choose to eat play a HUGE role in your resilience.  Here’s why:


You’ve probably heard that chronic inflammation plays a big role in what has been called the “four horsemen of the medical apocalypse”:

  • heart disease,
  • cancer,
  • diabetes, and
  • Alzheimer’s.


Stress causes inflammation — and a diet of less-than-healthy foods adds to that stress and inflammation.  


Which one of us can deny trying to find stress relief and happiness at the bottom of a pint of ice cream???  How did that go for you .... email me your story!


To eat for more resilience, focus on foods that make your body feel good:  simple, nutritious meals that are loaded with the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that help your body function at its best!  But sometimes that Ice Cream Gremlin is attacking you really, really hard, right?


So......I’ve got a delicious and nutrition-infused Protein Fluff recipe for you to choose instead of sugar-filled regular ice cream.  This is not meant for everyday....but it certainly can be a stepping stone to get you past making an otherwise unwise food decision.  


I'm all about NOT taking things away from my clients, but instead offering them ways to crowd out the obvious "non-goal" food choices so that they can avoid those dangerous feelings of deprivation.


TIP 1: You'll need a high-speed blender or food processor ... I've had my same VitaMix for over 10 years and use it almost every day ... remember it's cost-per-use that matters with any purchase you make.


TIP 2: For more “freeze” factor, use frozen berries ... the higher the fiber content in them the better.


Mixed Berry Frozen Protein Fluff

(serves 1)

Protein fluff on spoon 

  • ½ cup full-fat dairy or coconut milk (from carton, not can)
  • 1 Tbsp chia seeds or 1 tsp unflavored gelatin powder
  • 1½ scoop (45g) vanilla whey protein powder
  • 1½ (approx 250g) frozen berries
  • ¼ avocado, peeled and cubed (optional)
  • 1 handful fresh baby spinach leaves (optional)


  1. Place the milk and chia seeds (or gelatin) in a blender and let it soak for about 10 minutes, to allow the chia (or gelatin) to gel.
  2. Add the protein powder.
  3. Add the berries, and optional avocado, and spinach.
  4. Blend at high speed for 1-2 minutes, scraping down the blender as needed.  We want this to be thick and fluffed up, but add a bit more milk if you think it's needed.
  5. Scrape into a bowl.  ENJOY!!


Let me know if you try this recipe!