Good morning!
Have I ever told you about the time I accidentally took a one-year break from my weekly meal prepping?
I was SO BUSY focusing on juggling my business along with organizing my Rotary Club's annual Dragon Boat Festival, that I thought I didn’t have time to focus on keeping up with my own healthy habits. Yup, those very same healthy habits that helped keep an extra 65 pounds off my body and my Type 2 diabetes and PCOS at bay.
What on Earth was I thinking??
Actually, I wasn’t even aware enough to think about it. It just happened.
And it wasn’t long until I was feeling exhausted and irritable because I didn't have great control over my meals and how I was choosing to nourish my body each week.
Talk about a face-palm moment.
I was so in my head and thinking about everything I needed to do for the Festival that I forgot to be PRESENT –
And in the process I was robbing myself of the chance to make TODAY a great day.
It’s the classic dilemma of letting the “urgent” get in the way of the important. We all do it from time to time.
We focus on all the things we think we SHOULD do … and that usually means putting our own selves on the back burner.
But here’s where we get it twisted: those 30-60 minutes we spend TODAY taking care of ourselves will make everything else in our lives easier.
And it all comes down to today.
What you do TODAY is going to impact your tomorrow.
Thirty minutes of quiet time, 30 minutes of preparing healthy meals for the week, 30 minutes of sweating it out …
It’s literally just 2% of your day.
So what’s ONE thing you can do today to prioritize your self?
Tomorrow, you’ll wish you did that thing today.
Whatever the first thing that popped into your head was … make it as “urgent” as all of the other things you have to do today.
Here’s what I’m doing: starting fresh with my meal planning and grocery lists. Then prepping and cooking meals that can be packaged up into portions and stored in the freezer.
Make sure you carve out some “you” time today.
Check out my latest e-book The Mindfulness Workbook here:
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Own your day,
Coach Jessica
PS ... Fact: obstacles will always pop up! That’s why it’s SO IMPORTANT to have strategies in place ahead of time to deal with them.
My 1:1 Nutrition Coaching program can help you with a personalized plan and accountability so you can remain a priority in your own life. BOOK a Discovery Session Here!