The Most Powerful Version of YOU
Happy Labor Day! I hope you are doing something fun.
For a lot of us, today marks the end of summer and the beginning of a fresh new season. I’ve got some inspiration for you to make it great.
Let’s talk about CHOICES.
Specifically ONE choice – an exciting and potentially life-changing one.
🎯 What if tomorrow morning, you woke up and chose to live as the most powerful version of yourself?
As someone with a clear vision for what they want, a strong belief in their ability to take action, and the desire (and drive!) to bring it to life!
Over 23 years ago, I had this exact conversation with myself.
I was obese, Type 2 diabetic, with PCOS and plantar fasciitis ... AND I was only 33 years old. I wanted a different life for myself going forward. My body was definitely NOT one that was fun to live in.
Take a second to soak that in.
Are you like I was?
Just plodding along through life. Dutifully taking "diseases of lifestyle" medications like Metformin and following diabetes advice that just made my health worse every year?
Do you want something different for your life?
Then ask yourself:
- How would you live your day?
- What would you turn your attention to?
- What would you decide NOT to focus on?
- What would be the TOP 5 actions you would take?
And the biggest question of all … What would your self-talk sound like?
To me, living a powerful life means that you are ready – and willing! – to take responsibility for your life…
… and (re)create it, in a way that serves you, your goals, your beliefs, and your life’s mission.
How empowering is THAT?
So … what will tomorrow look like for you?
Remember, the most powerful version of yourself isn't a distant aspiration. It's inside you, waiting to be unleashed!
If you’re ready to take the leap to a healthier and fitter you, my
Break Free from Pre-Diabetes - and Get a Body That's FUN to Live In Again
program is here to guide you.
It’s specifically designed to help you take you from sick, tired, and giving up on ever knowing what good health feels like again to:
- knowing exactly what to do to get (and stay) healthy again,
- having full confidence with managing food, cravings, and special events,
- regaining that child-like sense of play and easily moving your body without a second thought
all in just 6 months!
What does that look like to you?
Comments from my clients ... (in no particular order):
* hearing my doctor say "Whatever you're doing, keep it up!"
* easily shop for and wear cute outfits
* being offered better rates on life and health insurance policies
* reduced my grocery / pharmacy budget
* fewer sick days at work ... I got a promotion this year!
* better sleep
* easily manage stress
* playing outdoors with friends - instead of spending hours inside a stinky gym
* confidently meal-prep highly nutritious and tasty food
* happily drive past "fast-food alley" with no cravings
* vacation in places that have lots of hills and narrow cobblestone streets :-)
* understand how to make restaurant menus accommodate my health and wellness needs
* wedding rings fit again - no more swollen fingers
* navigate the cruise ship buffet like a champion
* tie my shoes without getting out of breath
* easily get up and down from playing on the floor with the grandkids
* plenty of energy to get through the day
* no more brain fog / cravings
* increased self-confidence and knowledge of what works for MY SPECIFIC CONTEXT
Notice that I never mentioned being judged on stage in a bikini ……

↑↑↑↑ The Journey to a New Version of YOU! ↑↑↑↑
The inside ring of green arrows shows the process I take my clients through to achieve that fun body.
The outside ring of arrows shows the different areas of my client's life that can either enhance or hinder the progress they make with the green arrows.
Together, you and I will create personalized, sustainable updates to your diet and lifestyle habits that support your health and wellness goals for a lifetime!
Let's get the conversation started today with a DISCOVERY SESSION with Coach Jessica Walker, the ketopaddlegirl
I’d love the opportunity to learn more about YOU and to see if we’d be a good fit to work together!