How to Get Motivated
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Here’s something I hear a lot… “I just can’t get motivated.”
Or another one…
“I’m going to start meal planning and prepping when I get my motivation up.”
I get it.
I'm also pretty sure you've heard the saying "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions", right?
I also know a secret that I reallyreallyreally want YOU to know, too.
Your fastest way to get (and stay) motivated? Take action. Do something ... anything ... ANYWAY.
It doesn’t have to be gourmet meal prep for the entire week, or a punishing workout ...
… it can be as simple as:
- a quick walk around the block ... 5 minutes out and 5 minutes back,
- making a oven-baked frittata using leftover proteins from last night's dinner and all the tired veggies that usually become a science experiment in the fridge ... so that you have easy-to-reheat, healthy breakfasts for the rest of the week (send me an email at to ask for this recipe),
- or even just empty the dishwasher and clear the sink and countertops ... 5 minutes, tops.
SET THE BAR LOW. And take action — ASAP.
Then, do it tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after that.
Notice your motivation starts to creep up. And as you begin to feel more motivated, you can gently raise the bar.
And, importantly, CELEBRATE the fact that you got started, even though you weren’t 100% into it.
One month from now, six months from now, a year from now, “future” you is going to be so thankful that you started TODAY.
If you need some help when it comes to getting motivated to break free from sugar ... from insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, or type 2, I am here for you.
I have over 20 years of personal experience keeping my own Rx-dependent Type 2 diabetes in remission ... with the happy side effect of a sustained 65 lb loss of body fat.

I created my own program and process called "The Journey to the New Version of YOU" so I can share my knowledge and help YOU be able to do the same thing.
No pills, powders, magic potions, or pre-packaged meal subscriptions ... EVER.
Click the graphic below to find out more in a FREE Discovery Session with me!

From setting goals, choosing baby-step habits, to taking that all-important action, AND getting daily accountability and support from me ... I will help you get from that confused, sugar-fiend who's about to be put on (or already is on) Type 2 diabetes meds to a transformed person who has become the PhD of their own healthy body ... a Body That's FUN to Live in Again!
Click on the graphic above to book a FREE Discovery Session so I can help you figure out your personalized plan for "The Journey to the New Version of YOU"
Committed to your success,