Get Excited About Your Goals


A new client signed up with me a few months ago because she noticed her usual health and wellness program wasn’t getting her the same results.  Things just seemed to have leveled off and she wasn't quite happy with how she looked or felt yet. 


She KNEW she needed to do something.  And rather than just letting “life happen”, or submitting to the "plateau" and making the usual age/stress/time excuses she decided to take control, get coaching, and do something about it.


But (she would totally agree with me on this), when she first started, she was not in the headspace to jump right into Olympic-level exercise plans and starvation meal plans.  Which is good, because, that's totally NOT what I do with clients ... like, EVER. 


Before I ever address Food or Movement (in addition to the 3 other areas that I work with clients in as part of my coaching program), I always want to know their BIG REASON WHY they want to achieve a body that's fun to live in again.  In fact, I want to know about this in our Discovery Session BEFORE I even agree to take someone on as a client. 


You see, not everyone wants to be up on stage in a bikini.


To most people, a "body that's fun to live in again" means many things:

  • walking through the fancy restaurant with your proud partner pretending not to notice other diner's heads turn your way
  • having enough strength/stamina for a vacation in rural Tuscany,
  • being able to fit in the rollercoaster car with the teenage grandkids,
  • going outside to play tennis/bike/paddleboard, etc. with friends just like in high school,
  • easily getting up and down from playing on the living room floor with the new grandson,
  • the confidence and strength to try a new sport like Dragon Boat ... which then offers tons of opportunities for new friends of all ages and abilities, competition, and world-wide travel 


A person's BIG REASON WHY is what lights that fire in their eyes, it even gets others inspired when they talk about it.


A person's BIG REASON WHY tells me, the coach, how much that person is ready, willing, and able to do SO THAT their dream can become their reality.


This is the power of having a goal that gets you excited – of something that adds value and fun to your life, and that has meaning!


What does "achieving a body that's FUN to live in again" mean to you?  Send me an email about it ... for real ... my address is below.


Let your mind go and come up with something fun.


This is one of my favorite ways to turn new healthy habits into a real LIFESTYLE change … because these are the goals that directly impact your quality of life.


The trick is to choose things that get you FIRED UP and EXCITED …


Because this can spur you on to be more active … upgrade your food intake for more energy and vitality … and open yourself up to POSSIBILITY.


There’s an old saying, “When was the last time you did something for the first time?”


Today, just think about that.


You don’t have to commit to anything (yet, haha).


Let your mind explore those “what ifs” that have been in the back of your head over the past couple of years.


Because if not now … then WHEN?


Make it an amazing day,



PS:  If you'd like to have a conversation with me about your BIG REASON WHY and what you'd like to make a reality in your life, book a call with me HERE to choose a Discovery Session